
“Start a day with excitement with sandwiches”

NOV 16, 2018

– Executives of the Group, shared sandwiches with employees in the morning on their way to work –

The executives of HCG had the second event of ‘Start with Management’s Sandwich” in the morning of November 15, at the lobby of the main building in Seoul, for the employees starting to work by sharing the sandwiches and fruits with them.

This is the second event followed to the first event in April. ‘Start with Management’s Sandwich’ was established to encourage the employees and build the exciting culture of enterprise by strengthening the communication and relationship between executives and employees.

Kim Won-kab, vice chairman, Ha Myeong-ho, Representative, Chang Ahn-seok, Representative and Nam Geun-ho, executive director of Vehicle Division and other executives attended this event to encourage the employees coming to work by sharing sandwiches and fruits with them one by one from 7:00AM to 8:00AM.

The employees who received the prepared foods, said “the weather is getting cold and especially today we have more difficulties because of students who have national college entrance exam today.” and also thanked them saying “but when we saw the executives who arrived earlier and shared the food for us, we were encouraged very much. We will spend a wonderful day with the prepared food.”